Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On Easter ...

I am SERIOUSLY behind on this blog. That's what happens when you ... live.

So basically this'll just be a couple of pictures. Because really ... how exciting IS Easter? Get up .. do baskets .. go to church .. eat some food ... the end.

In fact, here are each of my children in their most excited state on Easter morning after discovering their baskets (or in Hayley's case .. IT discovered her .. via the mother)

Happy (freaking exciting) Easter 2011

1 comment:

L2L said...

ha ha, you will have to tell your children I said thank you. my kiddos only get a chocolate bunny and new Bible for Easter, I'll just use this as evidence in my case against Easter baskets. (Seriously, this is too funny I had to muffle the laughter cause my family is still asleep, thanks for the morning laugh, he he)