Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Decorations or weapons?

I finally put up all the Christmas decorations up a few days ago. I saved the tree for the kids to help with that night.

Mostly .. Eli was just interested in wrapping himself in the bubble wrap. And then rolling on the floor.

One of the cutest things my boys have done in a long time (and I don't have a picture to preserve the memory dang it) ... was to discover the Santa hats ... put them on ... and wear them ... for a really long time. I walked in the kitchen and they were both at the kitchen table eating dinner, wearing nothing but their boxers and those hats. Cutest thing EVER. I couldn't bring attention to it .. or they would have immediately done their best to ruin the moment. Like fart or something.

(Jackson even wore his to school the next day)

But back to the tree. Jackson was helping where he could. Eli wanted to put the star on before the tree was even put together. Then he kept asking something over and over and I pretty much was doing my best to ignore whatever it was he was asking. Sometimes ... unfortunately my brain has an off switch as soon as a sentence turns into a question.

But all the sudden my brain engaged ...

"what did you say Eli?"

"when can I put the grenades on mom?"

Puzzling. Until I looked at what he was holding. Priceless. He was serious. And he's a boy... a girl would NEVER think of precious glittery Christmas ornament balls as grenades. EVER.

I let him put every last one of those grenades on the tree.

Merry Christmas ... from our boy dominated home ...


Unknown said...

Ok, THAT made me laugh. Boys are so funny.

Robin said...

So adorable!! Boys are great aren't they? They keep me laughing:)