Wednesday, June 8, 2011

On the HOA

Yup ... AGAIN. I could write a book on just my experiences with the HOA.

I'm actually starting to get super irritated with it.

Because I got three notices within the past month.

#1 ...
This one is an exterior maintenance notice. Specifically I AM STORING ITEMS ON THE EXTERIOR OF MY HOUSE. What would that be? ... ready ... ready ... a SKATEBOARD RAMP. That's right ... on the sidewalk - the boys were playing on their skateboard ramp. Right. Apparently it's a violation. To play. Seriously .. it's not like it's NAILED to the sidewalk.

#2 ...
This one is a fencing notice. The lock on the gate had to be repaired. Small repair .. a block of wood was placed there to fix the lock. Apparently it's not the required "Beachwood" custom stain. We have 30 days to stain this tiny piece of wood. WHO THE HELL WALKS THAT CLOSELY TO MY FENCE TO EVEN NOTICE THIS??

and #3 ...
This is another basketball hoop violation. It looks like they are getting SERIOUS about this one. Because we are about to be fined $25 for not removing those sandbags from on top of the base of the basketball hoop. W.O.W.

Really? Really? ... glad they are on to this. I'd hate to be the reason this neighborhood turns into the ghetto. I mean ... perhaps they should be MORE concerned with the 5 houses just on MY street that are in foreclosure. How about you focus on those are aren't even PAYING their HOA fees. Pretty sure if they stopped paying on their mortgage .. then they aren't paying your fees either. Or weeding. Or mowing their grass. Or even watering their grass.



L2L said...

LMAO, and I thought housing in Oki was bad!!!

Shay Brackney said...

Wondering if they just played eney meeney minie moe and landed on your house. I can't believe they keep doing this to you! Sorry friend.