That's right. That's blood. That's Jackson. That was Eli who punched Jackson in the face to cause that said blood.
It's summer. School's out. There's been a lot of this blood. Why must my boys make blood come out of each other's body's? It's going to be a long summer. L-O-N-G.
I do love my sweet blood filled children .. but really ... why must school be out for TWO entire months during my favorite time of the year?
Or at least ... why can't we STILL go to school just TWO days out of the week during summer? I mean ... they may forget all that knowledge they learned through out the year. Yes .. that's what I'm worried about. Yes. Just TWO days .. come on. At this point I'd take ONE day. Okay, just ONE. I wish all the important rule making was up to me. I'd make life easy. Well .. mine anyway.
I try to stay at the pool with them. It's easier. Mostly because they know if they draw blood in the pool .. everyone has to get out and that's just embarrassing.
At any rate .. it's summer. School's out ... and so's the blood.
Boys! Yeah, Dylan broke Joshua's nose last night at a burger joint. Joshua called him a girl and Dylan just smashed Joshua's face into the table. Blood gushing everywhere. In a public restaurant. Nice, huh?
Ryan smacked Devin in the nose a few weeks ago...lesson learned. He comes up to me and says "you're right mom, one of these days he's gonna smack you" Little brothers, gotta love them!
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