Friday, July 15, 2011

On a message...

She looks so sweet ... so innocent ... so .. so...

Did I say Hayley is pretty non-dramatic these days? I absolutely HATE it when my children make a liar out of me.

A couple of weeks ago she called me in a panic. Crying. Hysterical. I hate when she does this because every SINGLE time I think the house is on fire. Literally. And every SINGLE time, the house isn't on fire.

This time the panic was she had gotten her senior year schedule. The panic? Not a class she had requested. And 5 math courses in a row. News flash .. she hates math. A few other classes that made me have to cover my mouth from laughing so she couldn't hear me over the phone.

As any good mother would do I told her to stop her nonsense .. eat some chocolate and I'll talk to the counselor and fix the schedule. The end. No big deal.

Then my phone started dinging with email's coming in. From some public on line high school. Saying Hayley had registered and they need to walk me through the enrollment process.


Why when she loses her mind MUST she react in such an extreme manner? I texted her to tell her to cut it out .. she's going to school .. and the schedule will all work out in the end.


Two hours later ... text from her "when are you going to be home mom? .. I have a surprise for you"

Remember her surprises are NEVER EVER EVER good. She may as well say "Hurry home ..I did something you aren't going to like"

I now pick up the pace to get home prepared for any damage control I may be doing in the hours to come...

I walk in and this is what I find ...

I actually think that COVA (whatever the hell that is) paid her to do this. She sounds like a freaking walking advertisement.

I am still finding these notes in unsuspecting places... there wasn't an area in the house that she didn't cover.

Now the question is ... do I "think" about it?


L2L said...

hahaha, I so needed a good laugh and I loved the song that was playing as well, perfect!!!

Shay Brackney said...

OMGosh that was hilarious! Again, mostly b/c it's not me, yet! Hey, I have a friend who is a guidance counselor at COVA if you want to chat with someone who can tell you the ins and outs. S

sevenchicksandaguy said...

Colorado Virtual Academy

Natalie said...

Oh my GOSH, do you think her hand hurt after all that writing? How FUNNY! You should have video taped it and sent it in to America's funniest home videos. You would have WON! Wow, teenagers are awesome, can't wait.

Emile said...

I'm sorry, I know I just got here and I don't really understand exactly what the situation is, but I think the sticky notes all over the house are hilarious!