Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh Hayley ...

Someone's plan didn't really work out.  Someone's choices still aren't awesome.  Someone still likes the learn the hard way.

Someone doesn't listen to me.  I'm sure it's because I don't have a clue what I'm talking about.  I've been told that anyway.

So .. welcome home Hayley.  Sure, you can come back.  Have you seen your old room?  No vacancy.  But the basement .. plenty o' room.  Knock yourself out with decorating.  Feel free to paint the walls.  Oh .. wait .. there are none.

Hey - it's probably not a great idea to get another tattoo.  Especially on your foot.  Did you know tattoos are forever?  No.  Really they are.  I'm not ashamed to beg for this one.  PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS.

Someone still doesn't listen to me.

Mermaid.  A very large one.  On the top of the foot.  Why are you crying Hayley?  Oh ... you hate it.  Like really hate it?  Have I mentioned it's forever?

Two weeks later.  The worst infection ever.  Hospital for two rounds of antibiotics to tame the beast.  Oh and maybe it wasn't a good idea to get a "super good deal" on a tat.  That and brain surgeons you should probably always pay full price.

But she sure is pretty ...

There's so much more to tell ... oh .. so ... much ... more.  Saving it for the book.  She's gonna help me make millions.  Cause you just can't make up the stuff she does.  True story.

1 comment:

Emile said...

Well, teens aren't known for making the best decisions, or even good ones, generally. But she's a beautiful girl. She looks so much like her mom. And after the pain of getting a tattoo on her foot, plus not liking it, plus infection, maybe she really won't ever want to get another one? They can be removed. It takes several painful sessions with a laser, and it costs. But one day, years from now, when she's a model or movie star or just working a normal job making decent money, she may decide to have it removed. Until then, maybe it will remind her that tattoos aren't necessarily such a great idea.